I use arch btw
Linux is free, if you don't value your time.
Best OS for desktop: Artix Linux (it's arch without systemd)
Best OS for server: Debian
Best OS for gaming: not linux
Apps that I use
Window manager: AwesomeWMMusic & video player: mpv
Image editor: gimp
Video recording: obs
Web browser: brave, firefox
Terminal: alacrittyFont: Iosevka
Shell: zsh
Text editor: neovim
File browser: ranger
Git wrappers: lazygit
- ripgrep - better grep
- fd - better find
- btop - better htop
- lsd - better ls
- fzf - fuzzy finder
Suckless tools
I used to use suckless tools (st, dwm, dmenu), but then I realized they suck. I mean, why would anyone ever want to configure their terminal by modifying source code in C? I had to install like 10 patches (proof) to make it fine. Bear in mind that these patches aren't always compatible, so you have to resolve conflicts to make your fucking terminal usable. I gave up when a small update to ncurses messed up underlining in the terminal. That's when I switched to alacritty, which just works.